
The Peak District Blog


An inspiring Peak District Blog from the folks at the #1 Peak District destination website, Let’s Go Peak District. You will find news, inspiration, facts and lots more… lots, lots more, such as walks in every Peak District county, bike rides, Peak District Voices from those live and work in the Peak District National Park. The Let’s Go Peak District website categorises and makes finding information easy, so some good places to start may be our really popular…


Peak District Blog categories: Best Days Out in the Peak District | Peak District Voices | Peak District Villages | Peak District Walks & Trails | Peak District Press Releases


Perfect Peak District Days Out

Perfect Peak District Days Out: Crich Tramway Village

Bolsover Castle is a true fairytale castle, perched high on a ridge above the Vale of Scarsdale on the eastern edge of the Peak District. It's a great place to spend a day, with plenty to see and do for the whole family. The Little Castle, Terrace Range and Riding House are all open to the public to explore, as are the beautiful gardens. There's also a cafe, gift shop and children's playground on site.
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Perfect Peak District Days Out

Perfect Peak District Days Out: Mam Tor

Bolsover Castle is a true fairytale castle, perched high on a ridge above the Vale of Scarsdale on the eastern edge of the Peak District. It's a great place to spend a day, with plenty to see and do for the whole family. The Little Castle, Terrace Range and Riding House are all open to the public to explore, as are the beautiful gardens. There's also a cafe, gift shop and children's playground on site.
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Perfect Peak District Days Out

Perfect Peak District Days Out: Castleton

Bolsover Castle is a true fairytale castle, perched high on a ridge above the Vale of Scarsdale on the eastern edge of the Peak District. It's a great place to spend a day, with plenty to see and do for the whole family. The Little Castle, Terrace Range and Riding House are all open to the public to explore, as are the beautiful gardens. There's also a cafe, gift shop and children's playground on site.
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Perfect Peak District Days Out

Perfect Peak District Days Out: Eyam

Bolsover Castle is a true fairytale castle, perched high on a ridge above the Vale of Scarsdale on the eastern edge of the Peak District. It's a great place to spend a day, with plenty to see and do for the whole family. The Little Castle, Terrace Range and Riding House are all open to the public to explore, as are the beautiful gardens. There's also a cafe, gift shop and children's playground on site.
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Perfect Peak District Days Out

Perfect Peak District Days Out: Chatsworth House

Bolsover Castle is a true fairytale castle, perched high on a ridge above the Vale of Scarsdale on the eastern edge of the Peak District. It's a great place to spend a day, with plenty to see and do for the whole family. The Little Castle, Terrace Range and Riding House are all open to the public to explore, as are the beautiful gardens. There's also a cafe, gift shop and children's playground on site.
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Perfect Peak District Days Out

Perfect Peak District Days Out: Arbor Low

Bolsover Castle is a true fairytale castle, perched high on a ridge above the Vale of Scarsdale on the eastern edge of the Peak District. It's a great place to spend a day, with plenty to see and do for the whole family. The Little Castle, Terrace Range and Riding House are all open to the public to explore, as are the beautiful gardens. There's also a cafe, gift shop and children's playground on site.
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Perfect Peak District Days Out

Perfect Peak District Days Out: Alton Towers

Bolsover Castle is a true fairytale castle, perched high on a ridge above the Vale of Scarsdale on the eastern edge of the Peak District. It's a great place to spend a day, with plenty to see and do for the whole family. The Little Castle, Terrace Range and Riding House are all open to the public to explore, as are the beautiful gardens. There's also a cafe, gift shop and children's playground on site.
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Peak District Voices Photographer Matt Armett

The Peak District photographers

The Peak District - A Photographer's Paradise My name is Matt Armett and I am a 16 year old photographer from the Peak District. I have lived in the Peak District my whole life. For the last 6 years, since I received my first camera as a Christmas present from my parents, I have been passionate about capturing what the National Park has to offer.   Forever chasing the next shot, I love spending whatever time I can in the peaks and am keen to explore as much of it as possible, sharing my experiences along the way in order to inspire others.  ‘The Peak District...
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Moors for the Future Peak District Voices

Blanket bogs are worth protecting – cleaner water

Cleaner Water Blanket bogs are worth protecting – On the hills above the cities of Sheffield and Manchester, lies an internationally important habitat called blanket bog. Healthy blanket bogs can improve the quality of the water that runs into the rivers and reservoirs that provide our houses with water.Join Andrew from Yorkshire Water as he performs an experiment to show us how blanket bogs improve the water that runs through our taps.Blanket bogs are worth protecting because they can improve the quality of water flowing into our rivers and reservoirs. Blanket bogs are worth protecting because they can improve the quality of water flowing...
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Moors for the Future Peak District Voices

Blanket bogs are worth protecting – floods

Reducing the risk of flooding It rains a lot on the moors of the Peak District and South Pennines. The unique plants that grow on healthy blanket bogs slow the flow of rain from the moors to the towns and cities below. Mollie from Moors for the Future Partnership carries out an experiment on Bleaklow in the Peak District to show us how these landscapes can reduce the risk and severity of flooding. Blanket bogs are worth protecting because they can help reduce the risk and severity of flooding. Watch Blanket Bogs are Worth Protecting - Reducing the Risk of Flooding on Youtube Blanket bogs...
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