
Peak District Voices

The Peak District National Park is a truly inspiring place, and the tales told by the area’s people are every bit as varied, intriguing and wonderful as the landscape. Our Peak District Voices page is a platform for fascinating stories from every corner of the Peak District, told by the people who know the place best. Here you’ll find the accounts of artists, writers, designers, sheep farmers, runners, social historians and fishermen, to name but a few. Their experiences are all different, but tied together by a passion for this beautiful place that inspires them every day.


Phil Sproson Photography #LetsGoPeakDistrict

A Year in the Life of the Peak District 

Peak District in Review of 12 Months 12 Photographs by Phil Sproson that depict a year in the Peak District, each one featuring in the Peak District Calendar 2021 The Peak District National Park covers 555 square miles of the most beautiful areas of Derbyshire, Staffordshire, Cheshire, Yorkshire and even parts of Greater Manchester.  It was the first National Park ever created in the UK, back in 1951, and it now receives more than 10 million visitors every year.  They come here for the stunning countryside, pretty towns and villages, and the freedom to escape and breathe the fresh air on the miles of footpaths, access land and bridleways throughout the area.   The Peak District has a wonderfully diverse landscape, broadly split into two distinct...
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Backpacks and Bruises Peak District Voices

Top Tips from Backpacks & Bruises

Walking Blog UK Series: Backpacks & Bruises A decision to meet halfway in the Peak District one winter's day 'for a walk' was to spark a journey and a shared passion that would open up new challenges they would never have expected. walking blog uk - Top Tips for while you’re out and about Or rather 'when' we get out and about. But, as this post is about preparation then there's no better time than lockdown to plan for when we return to those hills and trails. Use this time to organise the space where you keep your gear and wash and weatherproof your kit. Replace the damaged maps, learn to use the GPS gadget you got for Christmas, and then stare out the...
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Peak District Voices Living Rug Company

The Living Rug Company

The Living Rug Company The Living Rug Company We are absolutely delighted to welcome back Deborah from The Living Rug Company, who wrote our first ever Peak District Voice a year ago! (If you missed it, you can click HERE to catch up.)Deborah has a flock of over 70 sheep on her farm on the edge of the Peak District, many of which have been rescued from slaughter. Rather than a shepherdess or a farmer, Deborah describes herself as a 'Caretaker' - she cares for her land, her animals and their wool. Whatever their start in life, the sheep at The Living Rug Company can relax in the knowledge that they will see out their natural days enjoying sweet grass and receiving lots of loving...
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Peak District Voices

Let’s Go Peak District Podcast

Let's Go Peak District Podcast with @peaklass It gets under your skin, this place, in a way that's pretty indefinable. Peak District Podcast with @peaklass On a chilly, bright November day in Hathersage, Suzanne from Let's Go Peak District was invited by 7thAirWave Podcasting to talk about her passion for the Peak District and, more importantly, to explain all about Let's Go Peak District. So if you've ever wondered exactly who we are and what we do, or you'd just like 20 minutes to sit down and relax in the company of like-minded Peak District enthusiasts, please do have a listen... 7th Airwave Podcasting brings blogging up to date. Take time to learn more from what you read, time to make new friends and share...
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Peak District Voices Peak Running

The Best Place on the Planet for a Run!

Andy Brooks is the manager of Peak Running, based in south Derbyshire. Their mission is simple: to support everyday people to achieve their running dreams, whatever they may be. Whether you're keen to start a Couch to 5K course and need a push to get going, or whether you want to improve your personal best for an ultra-marathon, they offer coaching and guided runs to help you get the most out of your running experience - and make it fun along the way. Andy LOVES the Peak District, and here he tells us all about why he's so passionate about running in our wonderful National Park. ​ "...Travel has made me realise that there’s actually no better place on the planet to get out for...
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Let’s Hear Your Peak District Voice!

If you would like to contribute a ‘Peak District Voice’ please get in touch with us via one of our social media channels in the first instance. We think sharing is caring, so every Peak District Voice is shared to our large and engaged Facebook audience [Let’s Go Peak District Facebook] which means that a post sharing a link to your content goes on to be liked and shared widely by our followers. What do we want in return? Just a link back to Let’s Go Peak District from your blog or website. That’s it!